近日,被譽為?“歐洲設計界奧斯卡”?的意大利?A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION?公布獲獎名單,?「上海 · 大家美頌營銷中心」斬獲 A'DESIGN AWARD 2020-2021?室內空間設計類?金獎。
Recently, Italy's A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION, known as the "Oscar in European design circles," announced the list of winners. "Shanghai · Everybody's Maison Sales Center" won the A'DESIGN AWARD 2020-2021 interior space design gold award.
A' Design Award 是全球最大且涉及國家和地區最多的設計大獎賽之一,也是目前世界上最大型最綜合的全球性設計比賽,被譽為”歐洲設計界的奧斯卡“。以"Ars Futura Cultura"為宗旨,推進世界各地的優秀設計師和品牌去創造擁有更好附加價值,讓好藝術、好設計回歸到為美好生活服務之初衷。
Known as the 'Oscar in the European design world', A'Design Award is one of world's largest design competitions involving the largest number of countries and regions, as well as the largest and most comprehensive global design competition. With the purpose of "Ars Futura Cultura", it promotes excellent designers and brands from all over the world to create better added value, and to create good art and design with the original intention of serving a better life.
▲ A'Design Award評審現場
獎項是為了頒給最好的設計、設計理念以及產品和服務,它旨在發掘在建筑、室內裝飾、工業產品、時尚以及平面設計領域有創新思維的設計者。也是ICSID(國際工業設計協會),ICOGRADA(國際平面設計協會)、ADI (意大利工業設計協會)所認可的國際設計賽事。
A' Design Award is given to the best design, design concepts, products and services. It aims to discover designers with innovative thinking in the fields of architecture, interior decoration, industrial products, fashion and graphic design. It is also an international design competition recognized by ICSID (International Industrial Design Association), ICOGRADA (International Graphic Design Association), and ADI (Italian Industrial Design Association).
A'Design Award 評審團由200余位來自不同國家,且具有藝術、設計、學術等不同專業背景的權威人士應邀組成了全球規模最大、最具影響力的大賽評審團,專家評審團采用匿名評分的形式評選。
As many as 40,000 submissions from more than 180 countries around the world, about 10% of the works can enter the first round of scoring.?The A'Design Award jury consists of more than 200 authoritative persons from different countries with different professional backgrounds such as art, design, and academics. They were invited to form the world’s largest and most influential competition jury. The expert jury is anonymous.?In the form of scoring, in the end, only 3-5% of the works become the winners of the competition, and the A'Design Gold Award is awarded to 1% of excellent design, and the award is awarded to the best design and design concept.?Among them, "Shanghai Everyone's Maison Sales Center" won the gold award for its bold and innovative immersive space experience with a sense of future technology. It is not only an award, but also an indicator of design quality and perfection.
▲ A'Design Award評審團陣容




原文轉載自:公眾號---UMA Interior Design